漁業團體肯定FAO小型漁業管理方案聯合國糧農組織(FAO)於義大利召開第29屆漁業委員會(COFI)決議,以小型漁業管理為第一優先,因應地位日趨重要的小型漁業。委員會在巴西、挪威、泰國、南非、摩洛哥、納比亞、俄羅斯、智利、茅利塔尼亞、印尼、阿曼、莫三比克、阿富汗、墨西哥、美國、安哥拉、阿爾及利亞、模里西斯、有巢氏房屋喀麥隆及象牙海岸等20多國支持下,通過可望彌補現行負責任漁業行為規約不足之小型漁業國際管理方案。委員會同意該方案可循國際指導方針出於自願、對內陸及海洋漁業適用、及呼應發展中國家需求等模式進行。委員會建議將所有與小型漁業發展相關產業適時納入管理。通過小型漁業國際管理方案的決議不僅深受漁工歡迎,還獲得機車借款自2008年就致力提倡正視全球小型及生計漁工、漁村相關議題之世界漁人論壇(WFFP)、世界漁撈業暨漁工論壇(WFF)、國際漁工應援聯盟(ICSF)及國際糧食主權策略委員會(IPC)等組織肯定;該等團體期望該管理方案能滿足並保障小型及生計漁民、漁村之社會、經濟、文化、文明、政治等基本人權。(摘譯自INFOFISH Trade News 酒店經紀No. 3/2011, 16 February 2011)FAO TAKES LANDMARK DECISION ON SMALL-SCALE FISHERIESIn view of the important role played by small-scale fisheries, the Twenty-Ninth session of theCommittee on Fisheries (COFI) of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations(FAO) that met in Rome 九份民宿recently agreed that FAO should continue to give priority to small-scalefisheries.The Committee approved the development of a new international instrument on small-scale fisheries tocomplement the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries (CCRF), drawing on relevant existinginstruments. The 辦公室出租proposal to develop a new instrument was supported by over 20 countries thatincluded Brazil, Norway, Thailand, South Africa, Morocco, Namibia, Russia, Chile, Mauritania,Indonesia, Oman, Mozambique, Afghanistan, Mexico, United States of America, Angola, Algeria,Mauritius, Cameroon and Ivory 裝潢Coast.The Committee agreed that the new instrument could take the form of international guidelines, bevoluntary in nature, address both inland and marine fisheries and focus on the needs of developingcountries. The Committee recommended that all stakeholders be associated, as appropriate, with 吳哥窟itsdevelopment.The decision approving the development of a new international instrument on small-scale fisheries waswidely welcomed by fishworkers and support organizations present at COFI--the World Forum ofFisher Peoples (WFFP), the World Forum of Fish Harvesters and Fishworkers (WFF), 整合負債theInternational Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF) and the International Planning Committeeon Food Sovereignty (IPC). These groups have been advocating for such an instrument since 2008, toaddress the problems continuing to face small-scale and artisanal fishworkers and fishing 負債整合communitiesacross the world. They are hopeful that the instrument will address and secure the human rights--social, economic, cultural, civil and political--of small-scale and artisanal fishworkers and fishingcommunities.

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